some guy… somewhere

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2024


  • OT lightsaber fights looked like people who practiced the idea of “less is more” combat and knew pointless flailing and twirling around was useless against a similarly skilled opponent. This MADE SENSE. Everyone in the prequels flipping around and going nuts with the lightsabers and all that – it was laughable. Even Luke in the OT who wasn’t as skilled as some of the so-called “masters” from the prequels used at least some restraint and thought when fighting.

    The prequels are garbage and I’m sick of people who think they’re good just because we made memes out of them.

  • Go outside in 40°C weather for a bit, come back inside, sit in front of air conditioner, be just fine in a couple of minutes

    Go outside in even 10°C weather for a second, come back inside, freezing to death even in front of a heater for an hour because cold or even very cool weather chills me to the bone and it takes forever for me to get warm again

    Yeah, I prefer summer.

  • Sure hasn’t helped AI/LLMs with accuracy yet. And never will. Computing doesn’t actually think and reason, it’s just mashing together bits of data it has, and if what it has now isn’t accurate, how is anything going to be?

    You and others continue to harp on how great this new technology is and meanwhile we have seen it do nothing but absolutely, laughably fail. You keep saying it will get better, but it won’t. It is limited by the fact that computers don’t work that way. Sick and tired of the people justifying this garbage “tech” that is stealing art, code, text, etc, sucking up huge amounts of power, and giving wrong information, telling people to do dangerous things and even kill themselves because computers don’t know the difference.

    Just admit it. AI/LLM is garbage. Please. Stop being a massive fanboy for something that has clearly, evidently, 100% failed miserably and dangerously.