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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • You seem to think that I don’t believe or I’m not scared of climate change. I’m completely supportive of initiatives to prevent the usage of fossil fuels and pollution, however these actions have done nothing but alienate the majority of the public. If you go to the UK and ask nornal people about JSO, they’ll probably have nothing but negative opinions. This form of protest will do nothing to “hit a climate goal”. Vandalising art will just get you booed at, laughed at and thrown in the slammer as you rightfuilly should. These idiots simply create more human suffering as an excuse for stopping human suffering, and I don’t believe in such a cause for a single second of the day. When I’m stuck in traffic for 3 hours, I’m not going to think “wow these protests are going to save the planet!”, I’m going to think “these people are making me late” and that’s all I care about. Sorry.

  • The school didn’t give out detentions for people being late that day because hundreds of students AND teachers were late. The detention wasn’t the consequence, it was the fact that people missed entire lessons, teachers couldn’t set up, it disrupted the entire day for everyone.

    These morons decided that their pettiness exceeded anyone’s desire or need to work or learn. And because of that I refuse to see any reason to be sympathetic to them.

    Why am I, and all the people working hard to educate themselves and others, inconvenieced instead of the gigantic oil companies that will have a greater impact on the planet in 1 year than all of us will in 100. These people should be ashamed of themselves.