talking about doing a thing is not the same as doing the thing
talking about doing a thing is not the same as doing the thing
they won’t band together to defy trump, which is the only possible way they can hope to defy trump.
c’est la vie
i can’t believe people still use fucking facebook
fuck, i’m IN the u.s. and i’m against joining the u.s.
everyone should read goebbels’s role model eddie bernays’s (the “father” of public relations) book propaganda written in the 20s
bernays wrote in favor of propaganda as a good and necessary thing–it’s not; not even debatable–then the nazis took those methods and you know the rest
if the cultolick church says you’re a disgrace, then it’s really bad
ready for all the “we need to LIBERATE ________ because they WANT us to save them!!!” cartoonishly bullshit propaganda
or doing absolutely nothing to stop or question him.
this is what i just can’t wrap my head around… they’ve had four years to do something about this fucking thing, instead of the absolutely fucking nothing they’ve been doing the whole time
even the most impotent limp dicked authoritarian gets a raging boner over tech that will cause mass human death. the more apocalyptic, the better. as such, this might just be the only research that will be govt funded in the near future
i’ll bet they get issued like 10 rounds each for those giant helical mags
“considering young people’s perspectives or evidence” LOL eat shit fuckerberg
last i heard, the evidence showed that fb and other social medias overrun with “influencers” provide zero benefit, but instead cause self-image problems and depression at best, completely unaddressed cyberbullying and suicide at worst.
fuck the lot of social medias. it’s bad enough that grown ass adults are so addicted to it
and when broke uneducated magas start complaining that the thing they used to get at walmart for $10 is now $25, they’ll be told to blame the mexicans, and that’s exactly what they’ll do
“in an apparent suicide, putin critic ________ shot himself in the back 20 times. more at 11”
at least they’ve upgraded from “suicide”
jfc when is the human species going to grow up and see religion as the make-believe bullshit that it is
“could” LOL
stop paying attention to guns and social media, and let’s get back to focusing on the REAL threat to the kids: gay books in the library!
aka people who couldn’t stop whining about young people if their life depended on it accusing young people of being “ageist”