When my daughter was a toddler she would sometimes sneak up and press the power button on my PC when I was in the middle of a gaming session, then giggle mischievously. I outsmarted her by taping a piece of cardboard over the button.
When my daughter was a toddler she would sometimes sneak up and press the power button on my PC when I was in the middle of a gaming session, then giggle mischievously. I outsmarted her by taping a piece of cardboard over the button.
That is awesome. Glad to see it, and thanks for sharing! 😻
Get some boinks. They’re straw-like tubes made from a mesh material that can be compressed to shoot them across a room (I think it’s a heat-shrink material originally made for bundling cables together). They’re super cheap and our cat that loves all things stick-like (straws, pencils, pens, etc) goes bananas chasing them around.
Your rebuttal is worse. We shouldn’t let cats wander outside for the same reasons we shouldn’t let zoo animals wander outside the zoo. They are not wild animals and they are not native to the environments we keep them in. It is bad for them and it is bad for the rest of the ecology. If someone thinks cats should be treated like wild animals they have no business keeping a cat in their home at all.
Long long caaaaaaaaaaaaat.
No, it isn’t. Domestic cats do not belong outside. The exposure to numerous hazards literally cuts their average life expectancy by half.
We have one of those. Gray cats are really difficult to photo well. Cameras always seem to mis-set the exposure.
Hey, I have an older version of the same case. Very solid choice.
Aw… we used to have a ginger tabby that would get up on my desk to get my attention while I was gaming. She sadly passed about 8 years ago. I still miss her.
Double-sided tape on the problem areas worked for our cats. But also make sure there are appropriate scratching posts available nearby.
Haha… our older cat will actually start crying at us when it gets close to bed time because she likes to sleep on the bed with us. Once we are safely in bed, she will crawl up and meow in my face until I pet her for 10-15 minutes, at which point she is usually satisfied and will go sleep at the foot of the bed. Sometimes she will curl up on my legs for a little while, but she never stays there.
Adorable. Reminds me of our cat, Ozzy. This was him a a little over a year ago, still a bit kittenish. He fell asleep in my lap while I was trimming his claws:
With that many cats, you’d really just have a black cat hole.
There are several options out there, and most of them don’t have a failure mode that could potentially harm your fur babies. They just stop working when something goes wrong. The one in the video has a design that is just inherently dangerous.
Just saw this video earlier today. Heartbreaking. I hope the online retailers respond and take action to get these things off the market. The design is just inherently dangerous.
What it’s made from is irrelevant. Plastic doesn’t break down in the gut and can cause dangerous blockages.
Same. We adopted a boy in August that is the most chill, patient, and friendly cat I’ve ever shared a house with. I mean, I’ve had friendly cats before, but they’re usually still pretty aloof. This boy just always wants to be where the people are, soaking up attention like a sponge. He is the stark opposite of his big sister, who will flee at the slightest unexpected noise or movement and has been known to claw and bite people who try to pet her without an explicit invitation.
Our cat would get so stressed when I tried to put her in a carrier that she would attack me. I still have a scar on my left arm where she bit me hard enough to sink her canine teeth all the way in. I had to cancel the vet appointment that day because I was bleeding profusely and the cat was hiding somewhere in the house.
After that I bought a soft carrier, too. Mine is called “Cat in the Bag” or something like that. It’s literally a canvas sack with a zipper, a carry strap, and a head hole with velcro adjustment. I just pop it over her head, adjust it to fit, then zip her up. She’s contained but her head is out and she can look around freely. She still doesn’t like it, but she doesn’t freak out and go into fight mode.
Your catpuccino is ready.