Im sorry, while a cute one, thats fucking creepy
Mastodon: @[email protected]
Im sorry, while a cute one, thats fucking creepy
Nope its finno-ugric(its the ugric part) which is the same family as estonian, finnish and sami. I think it looks like latin to you for two reasons. One is it has some similar grammar from my understanding with cases and stuf but the more important here is some of the early hungarian written texts were written by scribes from italy who either spoke latin because of religious reasons or just italian generally. For example the sound you here in russian in the name “vladimir” where the d is also present in hungarian but instead of wtiting it in a sane way it is written “gy”(and yes that is one letter). This is because logically it would be “dy” but the italians heard our “gy” as very similar to their “gi” for example. Bit of a mindfuck tbh.
Lol that is funny. I guess its laszlo because they also use it in romania and thats where vampires come from? Idk
“Bojler eladó” is hungarian for “water heater for sale”. Its kinda a meme to post it anywhere hungary is mentioned. Source: im hungarian
Is this a “bojler eladó” moment? I doubt that laszlo is used in any other language.
The jewish state is also something that the nazis planned at first.
Duolingo will not teach you b2 in any language. If you want permanent residency isnt it just easier to find people to speak with? Idk what it is in other places but theres a sort of “language cafe” people here in sweden do. You basically just speak to practice the language.
Ah ok thx. Ive already been to a doctor about this and autism and other stuff because a lot of people in my family have them but i did not get diagnosed with anything.
Me learning electrical engineering, 3d design, low level programming and several other skills at the same time just to make a ridiculous flashlight…
Edit: btw how does it work that i dont have adhd but somehow almost always relate to adhd memes? Is that normal?
Interesting, can you provide a source by chance for my research on memes? /s
I saw what happened in hungary, warned you fuckers but nobody listened. “Umm, but the us has checks and balances” checks and balances are worth fuckall to fascists. Do you actually think hungary didnt have any mechanisms to prevent this? It did have them but they were worth as much as the us’s.
“Shock”, only people getting shocked are the centrist that arent far righters but actually believed in the shit they spread. But as always nobody learns from anything.
Idk when i scroll on all, its so much tankie bs.
You dont scroll on all
Lemme just invade the us on a whim then
If we protec them can we keep them?
That is true, depressing and funny at the same time somehow
I thought california had much more
Interesting how the moment a german gets detained its like a horror movie. Not blaming the germans but the media can fuck off.