- Needless hoop to jump though - red flag 1
- Having not switched to GraphQL - red flag 2 /s
Is it just me, or does their sample request use invalid JSON? The keys should be in quotes, comments aren’t in spec (but commonly supported), and trailing commas are invalid as well (but commonly supported).
“Blockchain Developer”
“Rockstar” “Ninja”
“Hardcore Coding Bro Ready To Crush Some Code”
I like it, but it’s a dick move to require that the resume be hosted at a remote URL. Lots of developers don’t have their CV on a website, and one of the strongest devs I’ve met doesn’t even have a LinkedIn profile.
Support a file upload or just Base64-encoded data and you’ve got something here though.
Cute but I mean… You just copy paste it into postman and fill in the blanks. It doesn’t really show anything, it’s just novel.
I’m not gonna be as cynical as the other people on here saying that it’s because they just want to have a machine/AI process your application. But at the same time I’m gonna be even more cynical, because if they think that machines/AI aren’t already processing your PDF resumes, then you’re crazy lol
Here’s an article about it: https://dev.to/maggiecodes_/how-i-applied-to-a-tech-job-using-a-post-request-193d
The thing that annoys me is the response. It should return status 201 created and the id of the new resource for future delete/update operations. Instead it returns 200 ok and some clear text. Wouldn’t want to work with such an API.
/serious Well, yes, most APIs are meant for system-to-system interaction, that’s kind of a given. But since this particular API is clearly meant for human-to-system interaction, returning a human-readable response is adequate. Yes, a better design would probably allow the client to specify additional parameters about the desired response.
/back-to-jokes Yeah, well this kind of sums up most of my job applications. I send an application and the recruiting people are all like “OK”.
Discord username lol
Twitter is even worse. I don’t have twitter, I don’t want twitter, I don’t need twitter and neither does anybody else. On top of that, twitter is dead.