I’m torn between being shitty food porn or crimes against humanity food.
Cast your vote.
Next, I think I’m going to try the None Pizza With Side Beef
Are you finnish? That’s exactly what most finnish people produce when they start making a pizza.
Not finnish.
And that is a valid pizza!
I mean aside from the toppings (which is just personal preference), that actually looks like a perfectly fine pizza.
I suspect the base is store bought and super salty.
Upvote for nailing the brief of the community.
But I’ll sit here retching and judging you in silence
Have some more to judge on.
Ham, fresh sliced mozzarella, sweet corn, red bellpepper and extra cheese.
Nfl that is pretty good. I could do without the corn, but I could roll with that
I rather much like olives on a pizza but you’ve created something wrong and I almost wonder if you did it out of spite for humanity, if so carry on.
Would tbh
Tuna seems fine as a topping. Id eat that. It’s anchovies that are just a horrifying war crime.
I like the salty taste of canned tuna. It contrasts nicely with the sweetness of the pineapple and the olives give it an extra tang.
Anchovies? Never tasted it.
Oh yeah, its kind of like how canadian bacon works on “hawaiian” pizzas too. Sweet and salty is a nice combo.
Anchovies are like “the classic fishy smell” turned up to 11 and then put on pizza. I never understood the appeal of them, but apparently they’re super popular with the older generations ordering pizza.
Now, you made me curious.
Interesting. I’m no fan of seafood on pizza in general, but I’d take the anchovies first here, since they’re basically just salt bombs. (Tuna on pizza or over pasta isn’t something I can easily stomach even though I love it in other food combinations.)
Glad I’m not eating it…Pineapple with ham, but the tuna is a bridge too far. I love sushi and ahi, but not with cheese and a tomato sauce or pesto.
deleted by creator
even the knights are gonna revolt over this one.
Have people never heard of a tuna melt? This is just a tuna melt. The only crime here is the pineapple. But I guess if you’re into that kind of thing it would probably taste good to you.
I use bread and butter pickles or sweet relish in my tuna melts. Pineapple isn’t far off.
Does your tuna melt usually have tomato sauce and olives in it?
This is an abomination that gives the finger to both pizza and tuna melts.
Usually tomatoes, but I’ve had them with tomato sauce too. I can’t remember if I’ve had them with black olives, but I should! They’re delicious and would totally improve upon a tuna melt.
I better prepare to go to jail, right?
Saltiness of olives with tangy sweet of pineapple and tuna makes me kinda think this would be delicious.
People mention tuna melts, last I made one it had: bread and butter pickle, jalepeno, cherry tomato, shredded mozzarella, topped with cheddar. So…