Jesus fucking christ it should be though.
Annoying whiney singers, pop level uncreative song formats, the worst fashion imaginable and the most melodramatic dysfunctional fans or any genre I have ever encountered, excepting mumble rap and trap fans, who have nearly all the same attributes but are usually extremely violent or abusive as well.
I can’t tell if you’re for real. I used to feel meh about emo, until I randomly went down an emo rabbit hole. I think the 2000’s emo is every bit as good if not better than the 90’s grunge.
Pop level uncreative just makes me think you’ve never heard the good shit.
Perhaps I have not heard ‘the good shit’ to which you specifically are referring, but I grew up with a dysfunctional brother who went through an extremely obnoxious and emotionally abusive emo phase, you know when emo originally was a thing, so…
Obviously yeah, theres my bias source sure, but also I heard quite a lot of emo music and still cannot really describe it as anything other than the most annoying people you know making extremely cringe lyrics sung by extremely grating vocalists with quite boring instrumentation.
I like garage rock, I like blues rock, I like a good deal of indie rock, I like punk, I like metal, I like many bands that use similar sounding instruments and/or have higher ranges vocals.
Emo just always sounds like white trash people whining melodramatically about how theyre sad and suicidal and nobody cares or understands, or how they have a dark violent aggressive side, also in extremely cringe lyrics and vocalization.
I listen to many more kinds of music than what I’ve listed here, and there are not many genres I utterly despise, but emo is one of them.
If you can even compare 90s grunge to 200s emo as if they are even kind of … able to be compared, then I don’t know what to say, I completely do not comprehend your world.
Is this a copy pasta? It should be. Saved.