so how is there a different image depending on if I look at it on my main feed vs look at it in the actual post?
also, secret version is better.
The first image, the one you see on the feed, is attached as an image to the post. The second image, the one you see when you open the post, is inserted as an image into the body text of the post, but there isn’t actually any other text to make that clear.
that’s cool, I didn’t know you could do that.
Yep you can add any image you want into the body of any paragraph just like this
And you format it like this

Embedded image babyyy
You can’t have like two pics to flip between afaik so I went with embedding the secret surprise upgrade after reeling in peeps with the main pic
I’m using connect and it shows me both on the main page. It was actually the second image though that caused me to click through lol.
On eternity, that’s just a bug. The image may be from another post.
That’s just a hyperlink.
Sounds like a nice weekend.
I read that as furry charged phone :3