Thousands took to the streets across Israel Saturday night to call for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ouster and new elections, in demonstrations spanning from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem to Haifa and Caesarea in the north and Be’er Sheva in the south.
At a demonstration in front of the President’s Residence in Jerusalem, Yosef Angel, bereaved father and grandfather of 17-year-old Ofir Angel, who was freed from Hamas captivity in Gaza, said “You stand at the head, and are responsible for the October 7 holocaust. You are trying to escape responsibility and look for someone else to blame, shame on you.”
You’re going to call 2000 dead a holocaust, but not the 25000 dead by your own hands. Terrorists.
Remember when Obama called Bibi the biggest liar in the world? Of course that was before Trump rode that escalator.
Fuck Bibi.
One state solution. No country gets to dress up in a liberal democracy wig while sporting ethno state raybands. Apartheid states don’t get to exist in a functioning democracy.
One of these is responsible for the Oct 7th Protest
And I’m pretty sure its not the Israelis, because suggesting that would make me an anti-Semite.
eh… hamas is responsible, and protests dont do anything.