- You can call it “Java” to enrage other programmers
- You can compare numbers against strings without wasting time converting them
- it’s easy to make fun of
- it makes every other programming language look better in comparison
The part that always gets me is when people choose Js for the backend. Like I get that it’s the default thing that works on the frontend, so there’s some rationale why you might not want to transpile to it from another language. On the backend though, there are so many far better option, why would you willingly go with Js, especially given that you’re now forced to do all your IO async.
It leads to typescript
You get surprises from npm
You’ll find an npm package to help you count up to 2.
(I recently learned - maybe here - that the is-even package has over 170k weekly downloads)
What’s even wilder is if you look at the code of that package, all it does is include the is-odd package and then return !is-odd. And the is-odd package isn’t much better, it does some basic checks on the input and then returns n % 2 === 1.
- It runs in browsers
- If you hate your co-workers, then they will also feel your pain.
- It’s not PHP.
- I don’t know. I didn’t think I’d get this far.